Here you can see some 3d animation projects I did recently. I am not an animator really, however, it's good to see your artwork coming alive. Most projects here were animated in Blender and then finalized with Adobe After Effects.
Este video foi feito para Instantcard, um gerenciador de cartões para o iPhone e smartphones utilizando o sistéma Android. A animação do telefone foi feita completamente em blender 3d. A animação da tela foi feita com Sony Vega por ellisvideoproduções.
This is a Title intro I did for Ellis Video Produções in Brasil. The Logo was modeled and animated in Blender 2.63. Compositing and Lens flare effects in Adobe After Effects.
This is a little test doing some imaginary screen elements in blender 3d. It’s probably much easier to do in another software like After Effects or similar. It was still fun :). The soundtrack used is called “Moments in Space” written by spinmeister.